Page name: Phoenix Unite [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-01-22 06:51:13
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Welcome fellow phoenixes to Phoenix Unite! This is a place where phoenixes of all kinds can come together and create the ULTIMATE PHOENIX! Or...Just chill out. ^_^ Hope you like! It's new. Still working on it. Remember, this is a place where we may all relax. There's a little Phoenix in all of us!


Note: The badges we previously had are against the new ET Are Rules. Therefore, they will show up as broken links. If anyone is interested in making new banners, let me know, or just post them up. Thanks.


Here you can put your name and some information about yourself, if you'd like.

[We have reached 32! WHOO!! ^_^]

1. [Black Whispers]-Hey, I LOVE PHOENIXES! One of the best mystical creatures ther is! Couldn't live without them!^_^
2. [FrozenPhoenix]-Sup, y'all. I'm into the whole phoenix things and...yeah...
3. [White Phoenix aka Ryoko] Why do you think I'm called "White Phoenix?" I LOVE PHOENIXES!!!! ^__________________^
4. [gaither babe] I love phoenixes, they're so original! ^_^
5. [Wolfpaw] Praise em'!!!
6.[I hear voices in my head]All Phoenix's rule
7.[Septimus Phoenix] Wow, look at all that *drools*..lets all burn together!
8. [Kuramasgirl]- FIRE!!!!!.....abitofa pyro^^, anyway, I love pheonixes!^^
9. [CelticMoon] the phoenix ...... what a creature , hay come pet my Pheonix its good luck
10. [Damned One] Phoenix? Phoenix fire, fire fun! *hysterical laughing*
11. [blinx4436] i like Phoenixes....theyre so useful...
12. [Four Winged Fox] BURN!!!!
13.[*~Bloody Angel Tears~*]Burn and Die HAHHAHAHA!!!
14.[Miroslav] Phoenixes are beautiful and amazing creatures! Though, they are dangerous too. Better stay away, if you dislike them!
15.[PixieStickChick] ooohhh!!! Pretty Phoenix!! hehe
16. [icarii] consumed by flame
17.[angeldust552] woot they are cute
18.[Rina T.]This wiki is awsome!!
19.[Stoic with STYLE.]Love them!
20.[R0s3tt3 Chr1st0ph3r] phoenixes are born again from their ashes.... to live forever...
21.[Mario57] pheonix forever
22.[Sheket] a dark phoenix maybe?
23:[deleted12344567 89] i love phoenixes they're awesome
24:[Mario57]pheonix forever
25. [none0000]
26. [Kyotaki]
27.[Estantia] shapeshifter, what can i say?
28. [more meredith please!] i have always loved phoenixes......theyre the best thing ever.
29. [thehogfather] Phoenixs's rock, and fire does, too!!!
30.[sequeena_rae] I think I was a Phoenix in a past life lol ^_^ They fascinate me >.<
31. [Mosi] Oh my i finaly find this ^^ its ok to have a dark phoenix here?
32. [silverscar] The phoenix totally rules, plain and simple.
33. [dressedtokill] I have mastered flame magic..
34.[Coffee is my weed] soon to have a huge phoenix tattooed on my leg


Extra Space>.<
Here is some extra space to put really anything about phoenixes, or related to the wiki! ^_^


I shall take over the world with this Phoenix! MUAHAAHAHAH!



-On August 3rd, Vicious Legato wa involved in a car wreck...she is not doing too she is in coma...she is having a hard time pulling through...on behalf of her friends, i ask that you either pray for her or hope for her or at least keep her in mind...she needs all the prayers and hope in the world...and please, so tath other people can do the same, send this to your friends and the people you know...if you want to leave her something, then go to the wiki page titled Pure Hope...

-Phoenix Tavern is up and running.


I got an idea....lets write a list of books and movies etc. that have Phoenixes in them!

1.The Harry Potter series (sorry, but it's true, there is a Phoenix!)
2. Phoenix (no idea, just saw the book)
3. Faerie Wars (submitted by [Kuramasgirl]...)
4. The Chronicles of Naria, The lion the witch and wardrobe, (both the book and the movie)

continue on...i can't think of any more! How lame! But the book i'm going to write has a Phoenix in it!.....


Sister Wikis:
Beyond All Boders
Order Of The Phoenix
Phoenix Tavern
The Secret Aviary


Username (or number or email):


2004-05-09 [CelticMoon]: maybe it was bang on 500 years when it happend and thingy- ma- gig the head ( i cant spell his name) sed it was his time cos hed been looking dreadful for days

2004-05-15 [Kuramasgirl]: Dumbledore?

2004-05-16 [CelticMoon]: ye thats it ..... i think the new one is bad in the film i mean why couldent they at leat TRY and make him look like the last one ....... its a big shame the other dude died , he was cool as Dumbledore

2004-05-16 [Kuramasgirl]: *nods head* I think that they should do it like LOTR did with Gandalf and just take a kinda younger guy and just dress him up as an older one, than they wouldn't have them dying all the time..

2004-05-17 [CelticMoon]: sir ian wasent young hes in his 70s int he

2004-05-20 [Kuramasgirl]: yah, but atleast he has a few more years to go

2004-05-23 [Septimus Phoenix]: i can't wait till HP 3 comes out in the movies! it's comming on june 10 in sydney!!!!

2004-05-27 [CelticMoon]: its coming out on moday and im taking a young lad i badysit for so i have an excuse to go and see it lol

2004-05-28 [Kuramasgirl]: *nods head*

2004-05-29 [Black Whispers]: i need more people to agree to my poll to put it up.

2004-05-29 [Kuramasgirl]: I've already agreed, so I can't help you much ^^;

2004-06-02 [CelticMoon]: well you got my vote k

2004-06-06 [Black Whispers]: k, thanx guyz!

2004-06-09 [CelticMoon]: Hay would you like to do a banner trade with me

2004-06-22 [Black Whispers]: Banner trade?

2004-06-23 [CelticMoon]: ye it a kind of advertising this i give you my banner and you put my name and link to the wiki under it and out it up and i do the same to yours and put it on my house ... iv dont 2 so far it will end up like this Trading with the order

2004-06-29 [Black Whispers]: ok,sure

2004-06-30 [CelticMoon]: well ill take yours and you go ahead and take mine

2004-06-30 [CelticMoon]: you know the site isent called trading with the order .... thats just were i put the trades

2004-07-17 [CelticMoon]: TALK PEOPLE

2004-07-17 [blinx4436]: talktalktalktalk...that enough?

2004-07-18 [CelticMoon]: NOOP lol

2004-07-19 [blinx4436]: lol

2004-07-19 [Black Whispers]: hey busy bbl

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: bbl ? that ones new to me

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: be back later ^^

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: oooooooooooooo i always say brb

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^; there's also ttyl and ttfn

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: i know the ttyl one

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: ttfn is Ta Ta For Now ^^

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: oooooooooooooo i get it ::hits head:: im losing my marbles

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: lol

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: ::watches them role along the flor in every direction , points:: CATCH THAT MARBLE

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: *grabs a marble and hands it to Celtic* 0.0;

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: right thats one

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: *grabs 2 more* thar you go! *dives for more*

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: YES im gaining marbels

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: yay!!! *hands you 5 more* are there anymore? *looks around*

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: most likly put

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: most likly but ill function anoth with these lol

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^;; *sniffs around for more marbles* I found 3 more! *hands them to you* ^_^

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: oooooooooooo iz gonna be clever by the time youve done lol

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: :D lol *keeps sniffing for more marbles*.....

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: lol ..... having fun

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: heh heh...yeah...*finds 2 more marbles under the couch* .....*hands them to you*

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: errrm i need new marbels i think ....or maybe they just need a shine

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: *picks up some marbles from under the bathtub* 0.o;

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: ::stares blankly:: were did that come from lol

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: didn't you see? under the bathtub...along with *pulls stuff out of pockets* a rubber duck, a key to your house, a key to your car, a wallet full of $20, and an old magazine with "How to find Hogwarts" on the front..... ô.ô;;

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: noooooooo i meant ::points:: the bath 

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: 0.o; I don't know....I think it fell from the sky.......along with all the stuff under it *starts to read about finding Hogwarts in the old magazine* 0.0;

2004-07-20 [CelticMoon]: ::starts playing with rudder duck:: QUWAK

2004-07-20 [Kuramasgirl]: *keeps reading Hogwarts magazine* ô.o; this makes no sense...

2004-07-21 [CelticMoon]: non at all sweety

2004-07-21 [Kuramasgirl]: it says to take a left at Fuzzy St. ......0.o;;;;;; Is there a fuzzy street in England? 0.o;;;;;;;;;;;;;

2004-07-21 [CelticMoon]: lol most likly

2004-07-21 [Kuramasgirl]: really? *looks at a map of England for Fuzzy St.*

2004-07-21 [CelticMoon]: hehe you may need to look closer

2004-07-21 [Kuramasgirl]: *gets a giant magnifying glass* O.O

2004-07-25 [blinx4436]: hi

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: hello! *waves and looks up from detailed map of the U.K.*

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: lol do you have nothing els to do

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: nope *keeps looking at map* besides, I love England....I wish I could go there some day.....

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: ::smiles:: yep tis allllll good

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: Hey, it's been a while, what's going on?

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: not much really...I started a new wiki, The Secret Aviary it's for bird like thingies..o.0;

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: awesome

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: hey, Phoenix Tavern just was put up, should we make it like a rp thing or what? Or should we just use coments?

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^ you can join if you'd like...

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: i think i will...

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: Yay!!! ^^

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: ok so should we put the comments on the page or in the commets box?

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: im confuzzeld

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: like instead of using the comment box for people taking in Phoenix Tavern we would put the comments right on the page.

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: o ..... i havent been on that

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: it's brand new, don't worry you haven't missed anything.

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: good .... tis a good idea btw

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: thank you.

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: ((((((((hug))))))) i just wanted a hug

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: I need a hug b/f hasn't been on in days T.T

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: ((((((((((((((BIG GIRLY HUG))))))))))))

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: O.O *is hugged*

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: ;D

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^

2004-07-25 [blinx4436]: *dodges the hugging fest*

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: *stares*

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: why do you not want a hug? *stares at blinx*

2004-07-25 [CelticMoon]: noooooooo you must hug ::jumps on blinx:: (((((((((HUUUUUUUUG)))))))))

2004-07-25 [Kuramasgirl]: rofl

2004-07-25 [Black Whispers]: i didn't getta hug.....

2004-07-25 [blinx4436]: augh! *blasts celtic moon* geroff!

2004-07-25 [blinx4436]: *jumps to rafters* i hate hugs..

2004-07-26 [Black Whispers]: gees...someone loves hugs...

2004-07-26 [CelticMoon]: ((((((((((((((HUGS NiennaPheonix))))))))))))

2004-07-26 [Black Whispers]: ((((((((((((((HUGS CelticMoon)))))))))))))))

2004-07-26 [CelticMoon]: i is lonin all the love in this room ::stares up at blinx:: even from you sweety

2004-07-26 [Black Whispers]: hey im working on the badges now, we need a logo....

2004-07-26 [CelticMoon]: errm ......

2004-07-26 [Black Whispers]: yeah...what do you guys think of the new bars? if you don't like them, i'll teke 'em down.

2004-07-26 [CelticMoon]: i like them

2004-07-26 [Black Whispers]: ok, how about there's a little phoenix in all of us? for the logo i mean.

2004-07-27 [CelticMoon]: ye sounds good

2004-07-28 [Damned One]:

Yo! Go to Crypt of the Damned very cool wiki! Has an army, which you can get premoted in, Special recruits needed for special jobs!

2004-07-29 [blinx4436]: man, that thing is everywhere i go. can someone PLEASE just stop advertising that thing?

2004-07-29 [Kuramasgirl]: really.

2004-07-30 [CelticMoon]: realy ..... iv only seen it here

2004-07-30 [Kuramasgirl]: I saw it on another wiki, that person is putting it everywhere they go...

2004-07-30 [CelticMoon]: lol its good advertising thou isent it lol

2004-07-30 [CelticMoon]: Hay i got a new banner for my wiki ..... wanna see

2004-07-30 [Kuramasgirl]: I think I already saw it ^^; I joined that wiki..remember?

2004-07-30 [CelticMoon]: <img:>

2004-07-30 [CelticMoon]: its a new one hehe im lill pet phoenix ((((huggels)))))

2004-07-30 [Kuramasgirl]: I saw that one ^^

2004-07-30 [CelticMoon]: still ... i just so proud after months of trying its finaly let me get it up hehe

2004-07-30 [Kuramasgirl]: lol ^^;

2004-07-30 [blinx4436]: its nice...

2004-07-31 [Damned One]: Yo! Go to Crypt of the Damned very cool wiki! Has an army, which you can get premoted in, Special recruits needed for special jobs!

2004-07-31 [CelticMoon]: you advertising that everywere lol

2004-07-31 [Kuramasgirl]: I told you he or she was ^^;

2004-07-31 [CelticMoon]: its a she lol ..... iv been promted on there i am now sergeant , cheif guard , and spy

2004-07-31 [Kuramasgirl]: o.o neat-o

2004-07-31 [CelticMoon]: i know im happy lol

2004-07-31 [Kuramasgirl]: ^^;

2004-07-31 [blinx4436]: if we keep talking we will push it off the page.

2004-08-01 [CelticMoon]: lol thats ok ::waves:: bye bye birdy

2004-08-04 [Damned One]:

please join the land of the undead please

2004-08-04 [blinx4436]: already go away.

2004-08-04 [CelticMoon]: SHES FOLLOWING ME

2004-08-04 [CelticMoon]: ::cowers in a corna::: shes everywere

2004-08-05 [Kuramasgirl]: *twitches* WHY IS SHE EVERYWHERE I TURN?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!? @.@

2004-08-05 [blinx4436]: who?

2004-08-05 [CelticMoon]: Damned one .... wereever i go ... wereever i run shes there 

2004-08-05 [Black Whispers]: yeah, i realized that.

2004-08-07 [Black Whispers]: Do, you guys like the red or the white logo better?

2004-08-07 [Kuramasgirl]: I think I like the white...

2004-08-07 [Black Whispers]: yeah, me 2

2004-08-07 [Black Whispers]: should i do a seperate page for badges?

2004-08-07 [CelticMoon]: i like them both ..... ye i think you should but only when you get more

2004-08-07 [Black Whispers]: ok

2004-08-16 [Black Whispers]: Ok, need a subjest............

2004-08-18 [Four Winged Fox]: where did Damed one go

2004-08-18 [CelticMoon]: she only leaves one message then goes

2004-08-18 [Black Whispers]: yeah almost every wiki page i'm in or see, she's left a note.

2004-08-18 [CelticMoon]: lol like i said up there hehe

2004-08-18 [Black Whispers]: guys gone to phoenix tavern yet, it's really boring, no one went....

2004-08-19 [blinx4436]: i', watching it... but i dont know how to write something a pen not making sense...

2004-08-19 [Black Whispers]: no i get it

2004-08-19 [blinx4436]: ^^u okay then...

2004-08-19 [Black Whispers]: yeah.

2004-08-27 [Black Whispers]: Hey Amroth, nice comment on the member list!

2004-09-02 [Black Whispers]: It's starting to get deserted here.

2004-09-04 [CelticMoon]: IM NOT DESERTING YOU!!!!! ::grabs ahold of NiennaPhoenix's leg::

2004-09-04 [Black Whispers]: *Kinda shocked, she looked at [CelticMoon]. She trys to shake her off.* I ment it's getting quiet, not many people are talking....*Trys again to shake her friend off her leg.* Ummm...Celtic....

2004-09-04 [Kuramasgirl]: *clings onto other leg* I'M NOT DESERTING EITHER!!!

2004-09-04 [Black Whispers]: o_OU Ok, i give up....

2004-09-04 [CelticMoon]: hehe see ... your loved like me

2004-09-04 [Black Whispers]: guys...

2004-09-06 [CelticMoon]: lol

2004-09-13 [Black Whispers]: *Sat in the corner playing with fire in her hands*

2004-09-18 [Kuramasgirl]: *touches fire* OO; I got burned..*waves hand in air howling*

2004-09-19 [Black Whispers]: *Looks at her funny and continues to play with the fire in her hands.*

2004-09-23 [CelticMoon]: ::watches hypnatised by the flames:: oooooooooooo pretty

2004-09-24 [Black Whispers]: *now sitting cross legged, levitating, the flames grew 1/4 her size. Eyes grew wide.*

2004-09-25 [Kuramasgirl]: *puts her hand in a bucket of ice water* Ahhhhhh..*sighs* -_-'

2004-09-26 [Black Whispers]: *Notices she's actully in pain, and the flame is now a white candle on the floor. She is now standing next to [Kuramasgirl]* You ok?

2004-09-26 [icarii]: *Walks into the room encompassed by roaring flame. Seems not to notice the burned and goes to teh bar to get a drink.*

2004-09-26 [Black Whispers]: Hey, [icarii], WELCOME!

2004-09-26 [icarii]: Greetings, sister of flame

2004-09-27 [Kuramasgirl]: *grins slightly* Yeah, I'm fine. Just not used to touching fire ^^;

2004-09-27 [Black Whispers]: o_OU Uhhh...ok

2004-09-29 [icarii]: Ah, the key is not to touch flame, but rahter become it.

2004-09-29 [Black Whispers]: Ahh, smart my friend. *Now is a phoenix demon completly devowered into a flame.*

2004-09-29 [CelticMoon]: ooooooooooooo pretty

2004-09-29 [icarii]: I would not say devowered, but rather consumed.

2004-09-29 [Black Whispers]: same difference.

2004-09-29 [icarii]: Not really. Devouwered, as it being eaten by it. COnsumed is rahter where it has taken over. So in the case of a demon, the flame has taken over, it is all that remains

2004-09-29 [Black Whispers]: ok ok ok you win.....

2004-09-29 [Black Whispers]: *Now is a phoenix demon completly consumed into a flame.*

2004-09-29 [icarii]: Just a curiosity, why are you so interested in demon phoenixes and their make up?

2004-09-29 [Black Whispers]: make up as in life stucture, history, my own design for them, then yes.

2004-09-29 [icarii]: kewl :)

2004-09-29 [Black Whispers]: yeah, a phoenix was too big, so i made it a little mellower, with a huge temper.

2004-09-30 [CelticMoon]: lol cooliyo

2004-10-27 [Mikumi]: phoenixes are really pretty, dont you think? ^^

2004-10-27 [Black Whispers]: You bet!

2004-10-27 [Mikumi]: yeah...theyre really cool...with all their flames...

2005-02-28 [~Angelo~]: Hello, can I join the wiki?

2005-03-01 [Black Whispers]: of course

2005-03-01 [CelticMoon]: yay another peep

2005-04-16 [Estantia]: oh, i didn't even notice this was here when i found the phoenix tavern!

2005-05-25 [CelticMoon]: HAY PEEPS IF ANY OF YOU ARE ON ELFPACK COULD YOU PLEZZZZZZ DO ME A FAVOUR AND GO TO De'ladrei theres a link there and can you go and vote for her ...... ill love you all for ever

2005-05-29 [Black Whispers]: ^_^ sure thing! Note: The badges we previously had are against the new ET Are Rules. Therefore, they will show up as broken links. If anyone is interested in making new banners, let me know, or just post them up. Thanks.

2005-06-10 [CelticMoon]: how come they were aginst the rules? they seemed ok to me

2005-06-13 [Black Whispers]: They decided to add a new rule, banners and such can't have dolls like that anymore.

2005-08-19 [Mosi]: oh my i can try to help you ppls with banners, most chracters of mine are phoinexs and i drew one once...sooo dunno if it might help as a banner?

2005-09-04 [CelticMoon]: thats such a shitty rule ..... hay mosi

2005-09-18 [Black Whispers]: sure. any help with banners would be great, thanks!

2005-09-18 [sequeena_rae]: hi all ^_^

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